티스토리 뷰

Itaewon lamb restaurant recommended by Koreans


It's been 31 years. It is also famous as a restaurant with a view of Namsan Tower The basement is a natural wine cellar, the first floor is a wine shop,  The 2nd and 3rd floors are restaurants, private rooms, and terraces, It's a four-story rooftop
It's also unique that you can pay with Bit coin


The restaurant in Itaewon, The Gel Restaurant I looked around the basement called the wine cellar It felt like I was going into Goseong A lot of vintage wines To show the best performance It was maintained at a good temperature In time for our reservation I came upstairs and settled down The view of Namsan Tower What's the charm of a nice window There are separate rooms besides the table seats mall gatherings, business meals, group meals You can rent a place for a birthday party Remarkable interior with long tradition The dishes are heavy I liked it because it didn't feel lighter Delicious restaurant in Itaewon It was like the New York Times,

Douzel Restaurant - Menu, wine, capreze, geen kaleand lamb steak

Dussell's menu

It's good to eat brunch during the day Steak and wine for dinner We had salad, pasta, And now that I've come this far
I ordered steak In this wonderful wine cellar It's sad to just move on So I ordered glass wine

Sparkling wine (20,000 won)

Cheers while looking at Namsan Tower I wanted to go to a restaurant with a good atmosphere You're not living up to your name

Capreze (31,000 won) + Shrimp Ringguinee Pasta (39,000 won)

I don't know if they'll give out the food in order I don't know if I'll give it to you all at once He asked me carefully
It's a place that specializes in wine I always eat olives to be able to do such a small thing bread that came with a steak
The bread was crispy and moist as if you made it yourself  The charm of raw things like Capreze When I eat a lot of food
The taste depends on the freshness of the ingredients So it's simple but the hardest

Green lace, kale, etc

Unusual vegetables Capreze with a variety of side by side The taste of fresh cheese and tomatoes is touching The name was very grand The best restaurant in Itaewon. The best restaurant. Pasta It's the crystal of the sea. Delicious restaurant in Itaewon. precious and rare as crystal salted jahaje with shrimp from the West Sea, It's a reinterpretation of Enchovy aglio e olio pasta It's the so-called jahajit oil pasta It doesn't have a strong flavor If it's moderately cooked It's a menu that shows harmony  Peel off the skin of the grilled king prawn It gave me the fun of forgetting

Lamb chop steak (2 to 70,000 won)

You can order 2 or 4 lamb chops Delicious restaurant in Itaewon I think we can adjust it according to the amount of each other If you order steak French fries come with it This was really good To the point where I want to order more
It's wet-aging. It's soft meat Very impressive lamb chops Each and every bite is precious It's not a lamb chops full of lamb chops The meat is full of juicy meat It was a good quality lamb Over a long period of time, to many people The restaurant in Itaewon that received love and love, the most Looks like it's going to give you the best date in this weather :) 
